THE FRAMEWORKS WE USE: Assessing needs and impact at the household level, using the latest standards

Our paradigms: Questionnaires from international standard frameworks are already digitized, and available for mobole phones. Data collection can be done through loan officers/sales staff or clients themselves with minimal training.
Intuitive, secure, and efficient.


The Poverty Probability Index (PPI) - formerly the Progress out of Poverty Index - is a poverty measurement tool used by numerous organizations worldwide to evaluate social impact at the household level.
The PPI is based on ten questions, depending on the country of implementation, and aims to determine the probability that households live below the poverty line.
Our data collection and monitoring tools include the PPI questions and scorecards for several countries and are constantly being updated based on the latest releases.


Food insecurity (SDG 2.1.2) at the household level is accessed using the Food insecutiry experience scale(FIES) developed by the FAO The FIES is an experience-based metric that relies on people's direct responses to questions about their experiences facing constrained access to food. The FIES is composed of 8 questions with yes/no answers. Based on the responses, the sample is ranked using a statistical model.
FIES assessment can be combined with additional tools, such as the FAO's Prevalence of Undernourishment and the household dietary diversity score (HDDS).
A detailed review of food security indicators and related resources is available from the INDDEX Project.


Accessing women empowerment goes beyond the number of the amount of loans provided to women customers. We use a questionnaire based on the Womens Empowerment in Agriculture Index(WEAI) launched by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), and USAID's Feed the Future in February 2012. The WEAI is considered to be the first comprehensive and standardized measure to directly measure women's empowerment and inclusion in the agricultural sector.
The Index is composed of two sub-indices: one measures women's empowerment across five domains in agriculture (taking into account access to resources, assets, working time, decision on income and income generating activities), and the other measures gender parity in empowerment within the household.
The tool can be adapted to different contexts and combined with assessment, e.g., of access to clean cooking fuel and clean drinking water.


SDG6 on drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) aims to achieve, by 2030,
  • universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
  • universal access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all
  • an end to open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations
HEDERA provides the digital version of the WASH household assessment framework developed by WHO and UNICEF, the Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP). The framework is composed of three parts, Drinking water, Sanitation, Hygiene and rank each household in a service ladder (Basic service, improved, unimproved, limited) according to different attributes, such as the quality of the service, the availability, and the health risks associated with it.


Access to energy is multidimensional and cannot be measured purely through binary indicators, such as the availability of a grid connection or the usage of biomass for cooking.
HEDERA provides a digital version of the questionnaire for the ESMAP Multi-Tier Framework, which covers the full dimensionality of energy access at the household level based on multiple attributes.
The framework considers access to electricity and cooking solutions. Households are ranked into different tiers (from 0 to 5), depending on the quality of the energy access, the affordability, the reliability, the availability, among others.