The COVID-19 Toolkit can be used for free until September 30th, and there isn't an automatic charge for a paid subscription after this date.
Moderate one-time fees apply if you require certain kinds of customization, such as adapting or integrating new surveys.
If you want to continue using the toolkit after September 30th, with the same set of surveys and without any further customization (whether for the surveys or the dashboard), we will only charge a moderate administration fee per month.
Please note that, in case you wish to make your app available in Google Play Store, you need to register an account with them, which currently (as of May 2020) costs $25 USD.
Our work centers on always being at the cutting edge of data collection developments, data analysis and visualization, and programming language features, and we aim to transfer this knowledge to the development sector. Our costs go towards programming and updating the tools so that you can be sure of the quality, data protection, and efficient data analysis.

You can use any of our core surveys to assess access to basic services, which we already have in our HEDERA Impact Toolkit. Other available surveys include those for poverty assessment (Poverty Probability Index), client assessment (for credit disbursement), agriculture monitoring (small scale), and customer satisfaction.
If you are interested in finding out more about our surveys, we invite you to explore the frameworks we use.

You can also incorporate your own survey(s) into our toolkit for a moderate fee. Please contact us for the pricing.

Yes, the surveys can be adapted to your needs. Our team will discuss this with you and make sure that the survey has an optimal workflow and satisfies validation protocols. We charge a moderate fee to cover the costs incurred for the adaptations. Please contact us for the pricing.

If you like, we can include your logo in the Home Screen of the app and the release, so that your clients/community recognize it. Moreover, it is possible to fully customize the informative section, adding your own channels (links to social media, documents, multimedia material, etc.). No fees apply for these customizations. Please contact us for more information.

We can do translation using an online tool. We recommend that you review and correct the translated text before it is integrated into the toolkit. Or you can give us your translation. In any case, no charges apply for this service.

Our core innovation lies in the fact that external staff are not required for data collection using the HEDERA Impact Toolkit. Consequently, HEDERA does not provide any survey implementation service. We believe that the institutions working close to rural communties must be the owners of their data from the very beginning, without intermediaries.
We will provide you with all the necessary digital tools, take care of the technical setup, and give you remote training material for your team.
Moreover, we have incorporated the latest indicators and monitoring frameworks into the toolkit. While you take care of your community, we ensure that your reports include the latest standards.
We give you all the elements you need to listen to people and collect key indicators that will enable you to make informed decisions on urgent issues and develop programs that address the local needs.
You want to be the ideal partner for your people in this crisis. We help you remotely in your journey.

An internet connection is not required for data collection. You can fill out the surveys (including georeferencing) in locations without internet access; the data will be stored in your mobile phone. As soon as the mobile phone connects to the internet, the survey data will be automatically uploaded to the cloud.

We can provide you both web and mobile-based surveys. You can decide which to use based on the access to technology of your survey team and target group. Do all or the majority of your team members have a smartphone? In this case, go for the app.
If your team and/or community members do not have smartphones, you can fill out the surveys through a web browser -we provide you the links to access the selected surveys in your language. In either case, your staff has the option to call each person and fill out the survey remotely, whether in the smartphone app or web browser.

You are the holder of all rights concerning the data you collect.
The data collected is stored on our server and won't be shared with third parties unless you ask us to do so.
For more information, please review our privacy policies here.
You can also always obtain the raw data set as a .csv or .xls file if you wish.

We have identified three main issues that can affect the quality of data: 1) Survey-related errors, i.e. errors made when filling out the surveys, 2) Inaccurate or incomplete data due to the misbehavior of the enumerator (i.e. not visiting the households they have planned to and/or filling in the survey themselves), and 3) Incorrect data based on inaccurate answers from the interviewees, either by mistake or on purpose.

1) To reduce the effect of survey-related errors, we have built on our expertise and put a lot of effort into providing you a mobile survey that is intuitive and as easy as possible to fill out, optimizing question flow, reducing the number of open questions, and introducing - wherever possible - real-time validation of responses. As soon as large datasets become available, we use advanced statistical methodologies to cross-check the data and immediately inform the organization of any inconsistencies.
We also provide remote support tools in case of emergency.

2) Bias due to misbehavior can be intercepted a posteriori using statistical methods and comparing responses. To prevent this issue, we build upon the existing relationships between institutions, field staff, and rural communities. Our unique approach entails empowering the institution and the local staff to effectively collect data, providing them with the latest standard digital technologies, ready for use. If the enumerators belong to the the institution, they perform the data collection as part of their daily routine. Part of the training we provide focuses on motivating them in this task; this role - collecting data - is crucial to helping their clients and their own community.

3) Mistakes or lies on the part of interviewees are extremely hard to prevent, especially in the case of survey responses that cannot be cross-checked with technical data (for example, air temperature or gas concentrations in a room). Unwanted errors can occur at any time and can sometimes be detected during statistical checks or follow-up interviews.
Purposefully inaccurate answers are caused by a lack of trust between the enumerator and the interviewee. We rely on your experience - and that of your field staff - working with your community and the trust that the community has in your institution. People are more likely to lie to an external enumerator than to a loan officer with whom they already have a long lasting relationship, so using existing staff for the surveys can help minimize this risk.

You can receive the complete raw data set at any time. If you wish, you can also receive data in .csv or .xls format.

Yes, we can set up an API so that you can connect your system to the data collection database.

You can decide whether you want to share the app through your internal communication channels or have people download it from Google Play Store.
If you have own an account in Google Play Store, we will provide you an .apk file that you can upload by yourself. If you do not have a Google Play Store account, we can create one and upload it there for you. Please note that if you upload the app to Google Play Store, it will be available for anyone to download.

The core of the app is about 16MB. Depending on the information that you wish to include (e.g. documents or multimedia material), the size will increase. We recommend keeping the overall size below 25MB.

We are staunch supporters of open source software projects. We greatly admire the work being done by thousands of programmers around the world in this domain and believe in the importance of collaboration. Our data collection app is based on the Open Data Kit (ODK), the current standard in mobile data collection. The web-based versions of the surveys are made possible through the Enketo Express project. Our dashboards are based on Python (Dash and Jupyter Book), and we use different features to make the most out of this programming language.

We believe that organizations working in rural areas in developing countries should be empowered to exploit the potential of modern digital technologies. We support these institutions in the collection and analysis of large datasets, so they can monitor the progress of each individual in their target community with minimal effort.
In this way, we help them provide better services that benefit people in rural regions.
Digitization and technology appropriation have been incorporated much more quickly in urban areas than rural ones. Outreach and operational cost reduction in rural cooperatives, MFIs, NGOs, and other institutions committed to the development of their communities is required to improve the quality of life at the base of the pyramid. We aim to develop and offer digital solutions that contribute to sustainable development.

We are a team with strong academic and professional backgrounds in multiple aspects of sustainability.
At HEDERA, we have combined all our expertise to drastically rethink several processes in sustainable development programs and projects.
We aim to make detailed data collection and standardized monitoring affordable for all institutions, by increasing the efficiency of data collection and using the latest standards and indicators.
This can be helpful in activities such as impact assessment. Given the high costs of conducting Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) and the difficulty in understanding and defining methodologies using internationally validated, ethical frameworks, we focus on enabling organizations to collect their own data from all their customers, using standard indicators from the latest international frameworks, and track and report on the progress and evolution of these indicators over time.

Your institution will be at the highest standard of remote data collection.
We optimize all surveys to minimize potential errors. You will get automatic access to the latest versions of the surveys, and we will update you on any changes.

The COVID-19 crisis has no precedent in recent history, and the consequences and effects on the population at the base of the pyramid could be catastrophic without the proper support. We are temporarily covering our fixed costs through generous grants and are happy to contribute our knowledge, time, and efforts to help organizations that can have a large impact at the regional level during this crisis.