Green Inclusive Finance

Financial and non-financial products with environmenatal impact - to support climate change adaptation and increase resilience to climate risks of vulnerable populations

We support institutions committed to get started with their environmental strategy and to develop or strengthen their green product portfolio. Our activities and expertise:

Training and Advisory


Standards and taxonomies of green inclusive finance


Assessment tools and frameworks for market research, needs assessment, and impact assessment


Sector studies, webinars, and expert research at country or regional level

Green Inclusive and Climate-Smart Finance Action Group

Natalia Realpe (CEO of HEDERA) co-heads the Green Inclusive and Climate-Smart Finance Action Group of the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) since 2019. HEDERA is official IT partner of e-MFP, and since 2020 develops dedicated tools for public use to support the activities of the action group.

The Green Index 3.0

In 2021, HEDERA developed the digital version of the Green Indx 3.0, a tool to assess environmental performance of microfinance institutions across the main dimensions of green inclusive finance.
It is the first fully open-source tool for environmental assessment developed in this sector, which can be independently hosted by financial service providers on local servers, maintaining alignment with international standards.

In addition, HEDERA provides customizabel software modules for automated reporting.

Digital tools for institutional assessment and market research

We provide advisory for the digitization of questionnaires for due diligence, sector studies, and interviews. Our tools allow efficient and high quality data collection, automated data processing and reporting, and can be combined with our data management and visualization software.

Our web-surveys modules supports many answer and documentation types:

Multiple choice and open questions

Images and file upload

Real time constraints and validation

Automated reporting

The Green Map

In 2023, we support e-MFP in the implementation of the Green Map project, an open database of institusions and projects related to best practices in green inclusive finance.
The map, launched in September 2023, fratures the detailed profile description of 28 financial service providers worldwide.
HEDERA developed the cloud-based tool for data collection, and implemented the visualization app.

Visit the map

LET'S TALK: Do you need a customized solution for analyzing, improving, assessing your green finance portfollio?